Industrial process heat

We Manufacture
Industrial pellet burners

Our burners can replace petroleum based Industrial fuel burners
like furnace oil, Diesel, LPG, CNG/PNG with agricultural waste based pellets
resulting in cost savings and Greener environment


NEO series
pellet Burners


Our burners can be used in majority of the process heat generation systems in Industries across Industrial sectors.


Oil and gas fired boiler can be Retrofitted to run on pellet burners. Manually operated boilers can be fully automated

Thermic Fluid Heater

Oil and gas fired Thermic fluid/oil heaters can be Retrofitted to run on pellet.

Hot air generator

We retrofit existing hot air generators .We also manufacture high efficienct hot air generators


We can retrofit furnaces across industries. TMT Steel rerolling, fertilizers and chemicals are a few examples.


Our solutions can be used in batch and continuous kilns. Across industries like Food, Bricks etc

Our implementation methodology

Identify Ideate Engineer and Implement

Retrofitting and End to end turn key projects


We offer multiple burners depending on the needs of the customer.

Lite for 8-10 hour usages

  • agricultural pellet
  • Manual ash extraction
  • MS grate

Pro 24*6 operation

  • agricultural pellet
  • Auto ash extraction
  • SS310 Grate

Stoker for small business

  • Manual fired biomass boilers
  • 30% more steam productions
  • On Demand steady steam production